remember, remember…

…ahh!! the 6th of NOVEMBER?! i truly cannot believe it has been more than a month since i arrived in this country.

what’s truly more remarkable? that i still don’t have any photographs to show you! oh yes, I know how ridiculous that is, trust me. i intend for that to change very soon. even my equipment is mad at me! 😉

this month has gone by super quickly and it’s been JAM packed with stuff going on. within the first week of being here we had the senior play and shortly after the school went on break between quarters. i spent some fun fellowship time with some of my favorite families and met some new ones at Rizal Recreation center. yes, there are camp and retreat centers in the philippines too! 😉 we are busy set painting and working out tech for the upcoming play that happens Thanksgiving weekend. this week we’ve been preparing for an all school community festival at which all the fine arts sections had performance and displays, classes provided games, food, and vendors sold handicrafts… it was a super day. OH and while we’ve been at it there has also been auditions for Talent Night which is produced by the junior class in January. but don’t let that fool you, we fine arts folks end up doing a fair bit as TN is a production in and of itself. meanwhile, there are design meetings and promo materials to produce. beulah publications are in full swing… and i’m not even teaching yet! eep. as you can see, there is never a shortage of things to do. it’s quite a life.

i love how things are going, the Lord has truly blessed me with great people to work, live, worship and serve with. it’s not always easy, it’s only been a month and i’ve already had some stressful days and sleepless nights and that’s to be expected. i have learned over the last 10 years (weird, but that’s the length of time–almost–i’ve been out of high school) just what it means to persevere and grow through trials and in the end even to appreciate them. sometimes easier said than done, but then, that’s just life, isn’t it? i’m just so glad to be able to look back and see what i’ve learned and how i’ve grown and just how faithful the Lord has been. it’s amazing.

over the last week especially i feel like i’ve been getting back to my roots. if you know me… you’re going to laugh.
#1–i mentioned talent night. somehow i got suckered into 2 acts (i don’t know HOW THIS HAPPENED!). i’m playing in a jazz flute quintet with piano and drums. what?! yeah, me too. it’s so fun. i forgot how much i loved playing. the piece is Take Five which was originally for sax. of course this time around i didn’t even bring my own flute. sad day.
#2–i  stood on the stage after auditions ended and did about .4 baton tricks. ::shakes head:: silly me. why did i think there would be any chance that i wouldn’t actually have to get up in front of the entire Faith community by not doing an “official” audition? there are things i should just NOT tell people. rarely do i feel old. clearly, i am not 13 anymore–which was the last time i was any good at twirling.
#3–set painting. can i just say that i’m about to kidnap susan deconcini larooroo right now? because i am. we are not in Don Jonesland anymore, paint pants!
#4–i totally played the piano for an hour today. poorly. but you have to start (over) somewhere right?

it’s been a bizarre mix of a lot of things at which i’m particularly rusty. add to that theatre things that are also pretty dusty and all the newer digital skillz i use… wowza! in a land where there are so many trades in can be quite handy AND overwhelming to be a jack. but then again, that’s always kind of been my style.

sorry this isn’t more “official” newslettery. i’m not so big on official professional newslettery except when i am… hm. paradox. 🙂 i do like just being me!
until next time…love and miss you all.

If you’d like to pray with me…

  • Lifeline– The upcoming play that is put on by the high school Drama 2 class. It is the story of Rahab told in an incredibly powerful way. We are in the midst of promoting it to churches and others in the area. It is a perfect opportunity for those who need to hear and understand salvation. We are really excited and want to do our best with it. Pray that even now the Lord would prepare hearts and use this play to bring people to Himself.
  • my “position” at Faith is still under transition and may never have super definition. although i’m busy and i love all that’s happening pray that I’d be able to know the Lord’s guiding for how to prioritize all that i could do. it is very very easy to get overwhelmed.
  • teaching– eek! as i prepare for only one class (of currently 10 students) it really seems like nothing compared to any other teacher, not to mention a full time teacher… but it stresses me out thinking about. i don’t know how they do it. it’s just something that i can’t seem to get my head around. it’s not like i’m teaching math or english but it’s still supposed to be schooly. oh dear, i don’t suppose the Lord will plant teacher skills in my brain while i sleep?
  • Close friends of mine are, like a lot of us, lower on support and they are also looking to move.  Pray the lord will provide a house that will fit their needs and budget. I spend a significant amount of time with this family and they’ve been quite a blessing to me.
  • Support– the Lord is good and has continued to provide all that i need in the timing that He sees fit. I am still well under what I should have and that could cause future troubles but for now pray that I’ll will continue to trust him to provide and that he will bring forth those that will feel led to give regularly.

Thank you friends!

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