
Life Updated

β€œIn any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety.” -Abraham Maslow

Catching Up

A busy life, outdated website software, and getting hacked are all major contrubuting factors to my lack of updates. We’ll just leave it at that. Thanks to one of my besties, Ben Daron, my site is back up and running. I hope to continue getting it up-to-date, but you know me (or maybe you don’t), no promises! πŸ˜‰

remember, remember…

…ahh!! the 6th of NOVEMBER?! i truly cannot believe it has been more than a month since i arrived in this country. what’s truly more

let the games begin…

My journey back to Faith Academy has been, in a word, unbelievable. There have been so many things that I would not even believe could

Beulah Beach Rumor Mill

You may have heard a rumor resonating from Beulah Beach. If the rumor you heard is that I am returning to the Philippines then I can verify that it is more than a rumor, it is true! (Disclaimer: I endorse no other rumors produced by the mill. πŸ˜‰


In April my mom and I were incredibly blessed to be able to visit Aninuan in Puerto Galera and Faith Academy in Manila. The trip was planned to be a visit to Threads of Hope bracelet makers and see the new theatre at Faith and ended up being the Lord’s way of telling me it was time to go back. The last 3 years at Beulah Beach have been a rollercoaster (pardon the cliche) of the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, lots of transition and lots of growing. But I can tell you with complete certainty that it’s exactly where I was supposed to be. Below is a update to my file at faith as they requested a testimony regarding the past 3 years…