So I know these two kids. They are both graduates of Faith Academy and they are among the first students to try and take my heart away with them. Sad face/Happy face. Thomas and Carrie’s family lives WAYYYYYYY north on the island of Luzon in a tribe that you can only get to by helicopter or walking for 8-10 hours. When I went to visit them they dragged me onto a helicopter (okay okay, i flew willingly) and it was SO MUCH FUN!!! They are Bible translators to beautiful people. It is safe to say I will do my best to visit them again one day.
PAUSE: Christy is another 2014 grad of FA. She and her mum also went on the adventure to the tribe. As you may have read in my last post May and June have become a less pleasant time of year with all the goodbyes and what not. Knowing that we still had this adventure to come as lots of others got on the plane to go back to their passport countries was a bit of a saving grace on my emotions. Thomas is now back in the US prepping to go to Liberty University while Christy is back in Australia figuring out what to do next in life on her families farm. I love these kids to the ends of the earth. #lessonsinlettinggo UNPAUSE.
So we flew on a jet plane north to Tuguegarao (it’s just as much fun to say as it is to spell) and stayed at the New Tribes guest house where we met other families that live up there. We had a great time hanging out. When all else fails play telephone dictionary. It never fails me.
The next morning we flew in the helicopter with Mr. Brian Schadt to the tribal village where Thomas grew up and his parents will soon return to working now that all of the kids are off on their own. It was my first time to ride and I was really glad I got to do it for this reason with these people!
We spent time visiting with people, helping to pack supply gift bags for the kids about to go back to school, preparing for the opening ceremony of a newly built mini-gym to provide a place where the kids could learn sports like basketball, volleyball and badminton and going on river adventures.
We made sure Carrie spent plenty of time visiting too. 🙂 #flatworld
We slept in our hammocks and played with interesting creatures.
We [unsuccessfully] pounded and made sticky rice with Aunty Arcilly.
We worshiped together in the Isnag language.
We learned about mr.scrapey tool and ate lots of sugary coconut and drank even more sugary coffee. #nomnomnom
We played and played…
They sang for us and gave us gifts…
…and drank more coffee. LOTS of coffee.
And played some more!
Too soon it was time to pack up life again, weigh things and ready ourselves for a stormy flight out of the village.
It was an incredible experience and I would absolutely seize the opportunity to visit again.
Thank you Bamford family for making me part of yours.