The End in the Beginning

There’s one hour left of 2016. Well there won’t be much (if any) by the time I click post (at least for me anyway) but I give myself the 13 hour grace period since most of my readers (do I have those?) follow Eastern Standard Time. I believe that’s fair. This is my blog. I get to decide. XD

What shall I say about thee, 2016? Well, it’s raining on the fireworks. #thestoryof2016
I couldn’t make up a more fitting end. You brought a lot of excitement. A LOT of tears. A lot of beauty. A lot of heartache. A lot of laughter. A lot of loss. A lot of love.

What will happen in 2017? As long as there’s love I’m good.

THE END. Just when I thought that #fammxvi was just a memory I got the unexpected gift of another semester getting to know #thekids. Honestly, semesters never seemed so short. Having been an adviser for the 2016s and working with them even in middle school made them a hard group to see graduate. I was not sure what to expect this school year but the Lord knew how to give me a break and fill me up all at the same time. SeokJun, Ashley, Hannah, (Corrie -class of ’14) and Shillo <3

THE BEGINNING But I also have a new #barkada to steal my heart. Every week a new version of, “My homeroom is da best!” gets written on my board. If I make it to #2020 they are gonna be a killer group to say goodbye to. But I digress… ANGEL TREE PACKING! My girlies decided to all bring bits of things and we made an assembly line and filled up 9 boxes. They are pretty rad ladies. <3

THE END. I moved again. I will miss my little house by the school and my Ate Arlene… <3

THE BEGINNING. Ugh, moving. But the little family! (ByeBye already SeokJun #crycrycry) <3

Christmas SUPRISE! From my PI mom Sandy. <3

One last Corregidor of 2016 with my crazy Korean bff. And a #newyearsevemiracle of getting through the city in 1 hour on the return trip.


This is the time I was actually cold in real life, went and dug out my hoodie and put it on because BRRRR. It was 79* #coldseasonrules  Don’t judge me.


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Aaaaannnnd we’re back

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