This article has been sitting unpublished for quite sometime. I’m not entire sure why 🙁 I will post some up to date stuff soon!
April 14-16, 2011 Faith Academy Presented Annie as it’s spring musical. It was a pretty spectacular show (if I do say so myself). I prepared graphics, did some painting and ran the backstage crew. Woot, go stage crew! It’s been such a sweet experience to be here for this show. Chelsea, who played Annie, was in my drama class in 8th grade as Cindy Lu Who. She sang with same gorgeous voice now as she did then. It seems amazing to me that 13 of the students I had in my drama classes before were in the cast as well as 1 hardcore techie (GO LOGAN!) and several of my elementary students. So great! 2 of my current students, Alex and Heidi) were also in the show.
(As I was running the stage crew all of these production shots were taken by my wonderful friend Chris Kuhlow!)
Chelsea McDougal – Annie, Whitney Bauck – Miss Hannigan
Devri Burdick – Grace Farrell
Servants – Kyle Long, Simon Petro, Elisa Neibling, Kendra Hause, Bethany Foutz
New Yorkers – Liz Hardeman, Raquel Undheim, Lydia Gingrich (Toby French – also in my cast)
Rooster – Sam Akers (who wasn’t my student but was in my cast)
President Roosevelt – Jan Trachsel
This is my stage crew!! Yahoo!!
Back row: Carrie, Kaylee, Paul — Front Row: Mark, Grace, Elyse, John
With a record breaking 2000+ in attendance, I would say it was a mighty fine success!!
Below I’ve posted the Cabinet scene as filmed by an audience member. Enjoy!″” class=”mceItemFlash mceItemObject” style=”display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;” src=”” id=”mceItemFlash_0″ height=”344″ width=”612″>
Annie Cabinet Scene – FA Musical 2011 from Crystal Missler on Vimeo.