Joe & Joy

Back in July I had the privilege of photographing the wedding of Joe and Joy. Joe and I served together at Beulah Beach way way back in the day and I was delighted when they asked me to be a part of their special day.


joy and joe could not have a had a more perfect day for a wedding!!

Joy’s dad was not quite convinced yet! 🙂

julie’s photo(s):
special thanks to my good friend and photographer, Julie Alley, for being awesome and shooting with me.


julie’s photo:
polaroid photo a’la benjamin derkin without whom i would not be the photographer i am today. thanks benj, you rock.



budding photographer!

ring shots!

it was a beautiful day to be a wedding photographer. you can truly see the love these two have and i am blessed to have been a part of their day. i would like to wish Joy and Joe all the best, may God richly bless you guys as you begin your life together.

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