district fun

when going on vacay in March i don’t necessarily recommend washington DC but i got lucky. the weather has been beautiful and i’ve spent loads of time walking, visiting with my brother and 2 of my best college friends. we have had a great time and i thank them for traipsing me around the city. you guys rock!

my photos are in no particular order, though i did seem to group them, didn’t i? so far my favorite highlights have been the arlington cemetary and the holocaust museum. i know that’s probably odd but i’ve only ever read about these things in books so it was very enlightening to pay respects in person.

1. arlington cemetary. 2. on saturday after my brother and i visted the cemetary we walked all the way from it to the giganto abe, all the way to the big stick seeing all things in between, and back to abe before walking to the american history museum to see the amazing-ness of the star spangled banner where sadly i was not allowed to capture its inspiring threads. 3 the rest of the photos for now are a hodgepodge other things i’ve seen. things from the portrait galary, the hirshorn modern art museum, great falls, and the quote if you can read it is from the natural history museum. i’ve seen much more than these this is what i can share for now! enjoy!
1.  2. 3.
20 years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you did not do than the things you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the tradewinds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.
Mark Twain

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Aaaaannnnd we’re back

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